Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Salmon Nicoise Salad

Salmon Nicoise Salad

2 red potatoes
2 oz green beans
4 oz mixed greens
1 lb salmon
2 hard boiled eggs
1 oz black olives
1 Roma tomato
Salt and pepper to taste

Italian vinaigrette
½ oz white wine vinegar
½ tsp mustard
1 ½ oz olive oil
1/8 clove garlic
½ tsp chopped parsley
½ tsp chopped oregano
Salt and pepper to taste

Cook eggs till hard boiled; potatoes and green beans until fork tender. Set aside.

Season salmon with salt and pepper and gently simmer it in fish stock until flaky.

Cut tomato and egg in quarters.

In a large bowl, combine the white wine vinegar with mustard and whisk together. Add oil while whisking vigorously to emulsify the vinaigrette. Add garlic and herbs and season to taste.

Remove some of the vinaigrette and add mixed greens. In a plate, arrange eggs and tomatoes alternating them. Place greens in the center. Mix green beans with a little vinaigrette and put them on top of greens. Arrange potatoes and olives on the sides and top off the salad with the salmon. Garnish with an olive.


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