Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Grilled Top Sirloin Steak

Grilled Top Sirloin Steak

3 Top Sirloin Steaks
1/3 cup olive oil
¼ cup white wine
1-2 garlic cloves, minced
½ onion, minced
1 tbs Italian herbs seasoning
Salt and Pepper to taste

Grape tomato garnish (recipe below)

Mix wine, garlic, onion, herbs, salt, and pepper. Add olive oil slowly to emulsify. Add the marinade to the meat and let it rest at least for four hours or overnight.

Grill for 5 minutes one side and 3 the other side for medium-rare. Remove from heat and let it rest covered for 10 minutes.

Grape Tomato Garnish

1 basket variety of grape tomatoes cut in halves
4 large basil leaves
¼ red onion, chopped
4 tbs balsamic vinegar
4 tbs olive oil
Salt and pepper

Mix olive oil with balsamic vinegar, add salt and pepper. Add tomatoes and onions. Toss.
Cut basil and add it before serving.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Sopa de Melon en Frio

Hice esta sopa el fin de semana y fue tan refrescante, especialmente cuando el dia estaba a 103 F.

Sopa de Melon Fria

1 melon helado
1 yogurt de vainilla (6 oz)
Una pizca de nuez moscada
5 hojas de tarragon
1 – 2 cucharadas de jarabe de agave

Pele el melon, cortelo en pedazos, y pongalo en la licuadora. Agregue el resto de los ingredientes y licue hasta que este espeso y sin granulos. Sirvalo frio.

Buen provecho!

Chilled Cantaloupe Soup

I made this soup over the weekend and it was so refreshing, especially when it is 103 F!

Chilled Cantaloupe Soup

1 cold cantaloupe
1 vanilla yogurt (6 oz)
A pinch of nutmeg
5 leaves fresh tarragon
1 – 2 tbs agave syrup

Peel 1 cantaloupe, dice it, and put it in the blender. Add the rest of the ingredients, blend together until smooth and serve.


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Roasted Beet Salad with Gorgonzola

Roasted Beet Salad with Gorgonzola

4 red beets
4 yellow beets
1 package mesclum
2 tbs Gorgonzola cheese, crumbled

Preheat the oven at 400 F. Make the vinaigrette recipe below…

Mustard vinaigrette

½ cup wine vinegar
1 tsp salt
½ tsp white pepper
1 tbs French or Dijon mustard
1 ½ cups salad oil

Mix together the vinegar, salt, mustard, and white pepper until salt is dissolved.
Using a whisk, mix in the oil slowly to emulsify it. Set it aside and mix it again before serving.

When the oven is ready, wrap the red beets in foil drizzled with oil and bake them for about 40 minutes to 1 hr.

Cool the beets slightly. Trim the root and stem ends and pull off the peels.

Cut the beets crosswise into thin slices and arrange them in circles on a cold plate.

Add some of the vinaigrette to the mesclum and toss and drizzle about a tablespoon of the remaining vinaigrette to the beets. Place mesclum on top of the beets, sprinkle the tops of the salad with the gorgonzola cheese.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pastel de Almendra y Melocoton (Libre de Gluten)


3 melocotones (enlatados funcionan tambien)
1 ¾ tazas de azucar (En esta receta se uso jarabe para pancake sin azucar, sabor de mantequilla)
6 huevos
½ cdita extracto de melocoton
1 lb + 2 cdas de harina de almendra
1/8 cdita de Vainilla Molida de Madagascar

Precaliente el horno a 350 F.

Corte una cruz en la parte de abajo de los melocotones y cocinelos en agua hirviendo hasta que la piel se comienze a pelar, unos 5 minutos. (Si usa melocotones enlatados, omita los pasos pertinentes). Saquelos y pongalos en agua con hielo y pelelos. Corte uno en rebanadas para decorar y los otros dos en cubitos para el pastel.

Mezcle los huevos, azucar, y extracto de melocoton. En otro recipiente, mezcle la harina de almendras con la vainilla molida. Agregue los ingredientes secos al huevo e incluya los melocotones picados.

Horneelos en una caserola preparada por unos 30 minutos o hasta que este cocido. Sirvalo caliente o frio.

Buen provecho.

Llamanos al (888)396 4552 para ordenar tu extracto de Melocoton.

Almond-Peach Gluten Free Cake

Almond-Peach Gluten Free Cake


3 peaches (canned peaches work just fine)
1 ¾ cups sugar (I used sugar free pancake syrup-butter flavor)
6 large eggs
½ tsp peach extract
1 lb + 2 tbs almond flour
1/8 tsp Madagascar Pure Ground Vanilla

Preheat the oven at 350 F.

Cut a cross on bottom of peaches and cook them in boiling water until the peel starts to detach (about 5 minutes). If working with canned peaches, omit the steps related. Remove them from the heat and shock them in iced water. Peel them; slice some for garnish and chop the rest for the batter.

Mix eggs, sugar, and peach extract. In another bowl, mix almond flour with ground vanilla. Add the dry ingredients to the eggs and incorporate the chopped peaches.

Bake in a prepared cake pan for about 30 minutes or until done. Serve warm or cold.


Call us at (888) 396 4552 to order your Peach Extract to make this recipe.